Faltu 1st May 2023 Written Update

Faltu Episode Update

Faltu 1st May 2023 Written Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

As Sumitra blames Faltu, Tanu acts innocent. She says trust me, I didn’t do this. Savita says let Amar speak, Ayaan is asking him. She asks Amar to speak. Amar says Tanisha asked me for the Haldi box, and I got it for her. She says Sumitra and Amar would have seen Tanu add the medicine. Sumitra says she didn’t see it. Kanika asks how anyone can blame Tanisha. Sid says I trust you.

Tanu says fine, call the police and let them investigate. Sid says enough, no one can blame my wife, end this. Dadi says we’ll find out who is guilty, Tanu worries. Faltu says no need to call the police, otherwise, the family will lose reputation. She says whoever did this will be found out, and no matter how small it is, I won’t be stopped. She hugs him and he thanks the official for giving Faltu another chance. He tells her to focus on her health and on cricket.

Her father scolds her for worrying about everyone and not for herself. He says he got frustrated due to financial tensions. She says nothing can be done, we have to fight Tanu, Sid, and Sumitra. She makes Ayaan sleep. Tanu and Kanika are planning. Kanika says don’t say anything. Sid comes and says we will take you home. Tanu hugs him and says you are my best friend. He asks them to come.

Leaving Tanu’s room, Faltu gets the medicine bottle. She says I’ll call a doctor. Tanu returns. Faltu hides the medicine bottle. Tanu says I knew you would come to check for the medicine bottle, so I caught you red-handed. Faltu says I caught you, I’ll tell everyone that you can stoop to such an extent. Her mother threatens her and shows her powers. She says I will evict them from the house, so they will struggle outside in the tent. She takes the medicine bottle from Faltu, who scolds her.

It’s morning, Dadi feels unwell. Faltu asks what happened. Dadi says she has some pain in her arm. Faltu helps her. Dadi says you have done magic. Janardhan comes. Dadi asks if everything is fine. Faltu says I will make tea for you. Janardhan asks what do you know about my cup of tea.

Faltu says I know everything, you drink tea with three spoons of sugar and cookies. She gets him tea. Tanu says Janardhan is getting good service from Faltu. She says you must come to the meeting today at the office. He says I’m not needed there anymore, I’m retired. She says the meeting can’t go on without you, so please come.


Janardhan asks Faltu to stay away. Faltu faints. Ayaan comes and holds him.

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