Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 28th May 2023 Written Episode Update on
The inspector informs Virat of his release, as all charges against him have been dropped. Upon hearing this, Virat inquires about the cancellation of his case. Inspector Kadam confirms that Sai obtained CCTV footage proving his innocence. Ashwini and Ninad express gratitude towards Sai for standing by Virat, despite going against her own family. In a mocking tone, Virat comments on how Mrs Adhikari always fights for truth, and now it has worked in his favor thanks to her. Sai then leaves the scene. Bhavani expresses anger towards Ashwini for supporting Sai, claiming that she is the reason behind Virat’s problems. However, Ashwini clarifies that her concerns lie with Sai, who is caught between two families. Bhavani curses those who try to go in two different directions and warns that soon, Sai will have nothing left in her life.
Sai reaches home and asks family about Satya. Gowri tongue lances her for her absence when Satya was discharged from the hospital. Maddy says Sai had gone to save her ex-husband. Sai asks what happened. Amba says she saved her ex-husband and put her current husband in trouble, and she followed her duty as a wife really well.
According to Ambhi, Inspector Kadam called and informed her that Virat had been released based on CCTV footage evidence and that Satya had been charged with drunken driving based on the same footage.
Amba says Satya’s mistake was not Sai’s, since he had alcohol by accident and the report would have come out sooner or later. Satya says he is protecting his wife, while Sai worries about her ex-husband and his family; when will Sai consider her present family? Satya says they saw her supporting them with lavani performance. According to Amba, marriage runs on mutual understanding and support, but only he is supporting Sai and Sai does not even support him.
After some time, Sai takes medicines for Satya and says Amba is angry that she was not present when Satya was discharged, and Satya also feels angry because of Amba’s scolding, but Satya supported her and she is grateful. Satya thinks how to tell her that even he can feel bad because of her superficial behavior.
When he says he supported her in calming down Amba’s anger, he asks why she is overcompensating by bringing medicines for him when she doesn’t have to. Sai helps him wear the shirt and says she is not overcompensating and is happy he is recovering and he should stop being so serious and be his normal old jovial self. Sai feels as if he is sad after marrying her and she doesn’t want to make him happy. He smiles and takes medicines.
Seeing Satya cooking in the kitchen the next morning, Sai asks him to help him cook. She says he is using an old recipe book now that the internet is so widespread. He wants to calm down Amba by preparing her favorite dish from his aayi’s recipe book, which he used to win school competitions with. Satya serves Amba’s favorite dish for breakfast to the whole family. Sai says Amba will easily discover Satya prepared it.
Maddy shares news of their lavani dance performance with the family, causing everyone to celebrate. Meanwhile, Amba stumbles upon an article about her husband Vijendra Ghatke being appointed as Nagpur’s new police commissioner. She retreats to her room and gazes at a hidden photo of him in her album, thinking that Satya should not meet his father. In the midst of this, Vijendra calls Sai and reminisces about a childhood memory with her. To Sai’s surprise, she recognizes him as her Aaba’s friend Viju kaka. With pride, Vijendra reveals that he is now the commissioner of Nagpur and plans to visit Sai and her husband soon.
In his dreams, Virat is trying to stop Sai from taking Vinu and Saavi away from a fairy land. Vinu wakes him up and asks if he had a dream. Virat says yes, it was a weird dream. Vinu asks him to drop him off at Sai’s house. Virat asks him to ask Mohit instead. Ashwini walks in and Virat asks her not to mention Sai.
He still hopes that Sai will return and punishes himself for it. Virat says he doesn’t want to hear about Sai. Saavi and Vinu fix hair clips on Satya’s hair and laugh. When Sai walks in, they say Dr Satya became Satyavati. Satya also jokes. Seeing her concern, Satya feels hopeful. Sai sends them to have puranpoli and grooms Satya’s hair.
Seeing Sai and Virat’s wedding picture, Saavi asks why she didn’t invite her. Sai explains she hadn’t met her. Saavi says baba loves her so much and she should reunite with him.