Jhanak 3rd December 2023 Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in
The Episode begins with Jhanak presenting a gift to Anirudh. He immediately calls Arshi, but her phone is switched off. Meanwhile, Arshi is on her way to the airport. As Jhanak bids farewell to the villagers, Abdul reminds her to keep fighting for justice in support of her mother. Anirudh adds that she is a strong girl, and though he doesn’t know if they will meet again, she must continue fighting. Jhanak then makes her departure in the car. Meanwhile, at the airport, Arshi becomes aware of the flight cancellation and worries.
Rahul and his friends arrive at the shelter home to meet Jhanak but are informed by Abdul that she has already left. Upon reaching the shelter home, they are told by the guard that Jhanak’s name is not in the register and are encouraged to check for themselves. Suspecting foul play, Rahul realizes that Tejas must have taken Jhanak. Frantically trying to devise a plan, they head straight to the principal’s office. It is then that Rahul notices Anirudh and informs him of their predicament. Meanwhile, Jhanak finds herself at Tejas’ luxurious residence, confused by its grandeur. The man there tells her that this will be her permanent home, and she will soon understand why.
Anirudh inquires about the situation, and Rahul responds that Jhanak is not at the shelter home. He reveals that Tejas has kidnapped her, as he often exploits vulnerable girls. Anirudh suggests involving the police, but Rahul dismisses the idea, stating that Tejas will move Jhanak elsewhere and has also threatened him. Realizing they need a plan of action, Irfan offers to seek help from his uncle regarding Tejas. However, Rahul voices concern that if Tejas finds out, he may harm Jhanak. Anirudh suggests reconvening at their designated meeting spot: the houseboat. Meanwhile, Jhanak cries for assistance as Tejas appears and declares his intentions to be with her. She pleads for him to let her go.
He says keeping you with me will make you happy for the rest of your life. We are getting married tonight, so get ready on time. As he leaves, she cries and says she won’t marry. The lady says Tejas will kill you. Jhanak says it’s okay, I won’t marry him. It is a good thing you won’t marry him. The lady says you are lucky; he has money, property, and connections, so you will have everything you want if you marry him. Jhanak says he has killed innocent people so that I will write my destiny.
He wants to marry you because he likes you. She says you can’t get away from this devil. I thought he would marry me, but he has made me a slave. Jhanak says, “What about my feelings?”. She says no one has a phone here, I didn’t run, Tejas tortured a girl who tried to escape, let me finish my work and get you ready.
Rahul meets Anirudh and explains that there is no update on the situation. Irfan suggests waiting for a phone call. Rahul then asks for Anirudh’s assistance in rescuing Jhanak. Anirudh responds by saying he is not refusing to help, but they should also inform the police. At this point, Arshi calls him and inquires about the landing of his flight. Anirudh tells her that it got canceled and hopes they don’t have to handle Jhanak’s matter. He advises her not to get involved and instead seek Bharat’s help for Jhanak. Arshi agrees and says she will come to see him tomorrow, asking for his location. Anirudh reveals that he is currently on a houseboat and eagerly awaits her arrival, expressing his love for her.
The family discusses Jhanak. Kaushalya asks Bharat to get Anirudh home. Bharat agrees. She says I will ask Shrishti. Bharat says Jhanak is lucky because she is in Tejas’ palace. The lady compliments Jhanak. If I cannot run away, I will fight until I die. I won’t marry Tejas if I can’t run.
If I leave here, I will help you because you might know that one day you will be able to escape. The lady asks where I will go, as my family left me. Tejas did wrong things, and we women were defamed. Forget about me; think about yourself. I’ll assist you in running away. Just be prepared. Tejas prepares for the marriage. Rahul tells Jhanak that Tejas is going to marry her forcefully.
There is a lady who asks why you are getting ready. She thinks it might be my last time. Anirudh says I want to help Jhanak, but where will we find her.
Anirudh says we need to be careful. Jhanak runs away, running in front of Anirudh’s car. Tejas is shocked to see someone else as the bride. The villagers ask Anirudh to marry and take Jhanak to Calcutta.